Seastemik is an NGO committed to a living ocean through a systemic revolution in our food system. We work to end unsustainable aquaculture practices, particularly intensive salmon farming, for better protection of humans, animals, and ecosystems.

Let’s create a new wave

Photo credit: Ramji / Bob Brown Foundation

The Ocean: a source of life in danger


The ocean is the primary source of life on our planet: producer of oxygen, climate regulator, and 3 billion people depend on it for their livelihood.

But its health is damaged by human activities.

Overconsumption of fish is the main source of biodiversity destruction.

Revolutionize the food system


By changing the food system, we contribute to the protection of marine ecosystems, human health, and animal welfare, as well as the transition to a fair and sustainable food system for everyone.

We primarily target intermediate actors with high leverage effects: collective catering and large-scale distribution.

In France, we are working to stop the consumption of intensive industrial salmon; we will target other species to protect thereafter.

Our first commitment


We are concentrating our efforts on species that are emblematic of intensive aquaculture, starting with salmon.

A wild species that has almost disappeared from the Atlantic; massively farmed in factory farms.

France is Europe's leading consumer of salmon, and 4th worldwide, with a +30% increase in demand over 15 years and 99% of it being imported.

The negative impacts are numerous: a carbon bomb, unequal access to food, biodiversity decline, and animal suffering.

A misconception

The Collective Imaginary
The Reality of the salmon industry

Raise awareness

Our methods

Informing through content based on scientific data



Offering concrete solutions to enable private and public actors to change their impact

Mobilizating in collaboration with other NGOs to amplify the message

We Need You to Maintain Our Independence

To achieve our ambition, we are seeking financial support, amounting to 400,000 EUR for 2025.

Tax Deduction:

Seastemik is a general interest non-profit organization under the French law of 1901. Donations provide a 66% tax reduction up to 20% of taxable income.

As the association’s creation procedures are ongoing, tax reduction will be possible starting from the 2024 fiscal year.

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