Our Projects

Local Support. “Pure Salmon”

A project for a salmon factory farm in Gironde plans to raise and slaughter 2 million salmon per year in land-based cages. Seastemik supports the local mobilization in Verdon-sur-Mer.

“Land-Based Salmon Farms”

Three salmon factory farm projects threaten to settle in France. To prevent the rise of a destructive industry that serves no necessity, Seastemik and Welfarm join forces to call for a moratorium. Discover our report and its summary.


PinkBombs is our latest investigation that exposes first-hand the dizzying impact of the salmon industry on a global scale. PinkBombs is the result of a collaboration between Seastemik and Data for Good. Check out the platform now!

Collective Catering

To massively change the food system, it is necessary to tackle the core of the system and actors with high leverage effects: collective catering and large-scale distribution. This challenge is one of our next steps.

We have lots of ideas for the future

We have lots of ideas and plans for the future. To keep going, we need your support, so come and help us!